Monday, December 30, 2019

Apple and Their Strategy Essay - 15522 Words

Contents Introduction 4-5 Introduction Reference List 6 Stakeholder Mapping 7-10 Reference List 11 Ansoff’s 12-16 Reference List 17-18 Bowman’s Strategy Clock 19-22 Reference List†¦show more content†¦(Apple Inc . 2012) Apple now stands with a value of almost $200billion for their market brand, leading above competitors IBM and Microsoft. It has been named as the â€Å"most admired† company by Fortune magazine in 2012 with their iPhone sales rising 81% following the release of the â€Å"iPhone4S†. (Fortune Magazine, 2012) Their tactical business decisions will have been aided by the following five strategic models: Ansoff Matrix, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Bowmans Strategy Clock, Value Chain Analysis and Stakeholder Mapping. Through a value chain analysis Apple will attempt to break down the activities which contribute to the creation of their product or service and place them into groups. Firstly into primary activities which are directly concerned with the production of the product or service, such as the production process itself. Secondly into support groups which aid or support the primary activities such as human resources. The reason Apple will carry out this analysis to understand which activities are especially important in creating value and which are not and develop a strategy to increase the value at each stage in order to create and or obtain a competitive advantage. One of the models we are going to address Apple through is the BCG Matrix. The BCG Matrix is a tool used by the corporate parent to aid theShow MoreRelatedStrategy of Apple Brand1077 Words   |  5 PagesINTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGY OF PARENT COMPANY When a firm decides to go international with their business they must face many competitive decisions. Two of the most important decisions a company will face are the pressures for cost reduction and pressures for local responsiveness. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Decision Making Classification Of Terms Of Art And Science

From CH7; 2. I would say that decision making should be considered as a combination of both science and art as it basically involves scientific logic implementations along with the facts as well as creative and psychological abilities of every individual. Besides, it also includes methodology, philosophy and theory which are primarily required for reporting highly important decisions in a righteous manner. I would like to describe in detail about decision making classification in terms of art and science. As an art: Improving individual’s performance is the key to master the art of decision making as it is a specific skill which is received, sharpened and mastered by an individual. In practical terms, every individual can check or examine mistakes that have been significantly made in the past when they completely understand the basic and important elements of a clever and smooth decision. On the other hand, every individual can make the best choices for decisions to get better outputs/results when they know the hidden or unexpressed constituents of social and economic elements that majorly influence decision making. As a science: According to science, to attain the possible outcomes few logical steps should be required for decision making, they are; - Objectives which need to be classified and placed in terms of order importance, should be fixed or established firstly. - Secondly, alternative actions that are evaluated against all the objectives should be implementedShow MoreRelatedData Mining Of Big Data1646 Words   |  7 PagesBig Data Vishesh Shukla Department of Computer Science University of Technology and Management Shillong, India Saurav Utkarsh Department of Computer Science University of Technology and Management Shillong, India Sahil Mittal Department of Computer Science University of Technology and Management Shillong, India Abhishek Kumar Department of Computer Science University of Technology and Management Shillong, IndiaRead MoreComputer Network And The World Wide Web System1653 Words   |  7 Pagesour live to interact with data because we are actually living in an age of the data. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Wall Mart of the Internet Free Essays

string(108) " names and already has received the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers \(ICANN\) approval\." From â€Å"Earth’s Biggest Bookstore† to â€Å"everything to everybody† to â€Å"Wall Mart of the Internet† to â€Å"World’s most customer-centric company†, Amazon has been tagged with these kinds of labels by its customers and followers. The reason for these many labels is because of the Amazon changing business model. Starting from Single-product and an intermediary with little inventory in 1995-1997 to Multi-product, profit-making, customer-oriented, investor, Services provider in 2000 Amazon has been changing its business model according to market conditions. We will write a custom essay sample on Wall Mart of the Internet or any similar topic only for you Order Now One indication of a smart company is to continuously change its business model; it is an indication of smart company and ultimately the smart management team. It is also an indication that the company is learning and adopting itself to the external and internal environment. Amazon is the clear market leader for the largest US e-retailing categories of books, CDs and DVD movies. In various consumers’ polls, when respondents are asked for their experiences of e-shopping, Amazon â€Å"streaked ahead† of all others as the world’s favorite e-retailer. This means that Amazon is the undisputed favorite on considerations such as convenience, reliability and customer service. Amazon has achieved worldwide success and brand recognition due to paying attention to extensive offline advertising, which helped the company to become one of only three dot. com brands in the Interbrand world league table. It is an illustration of the power of branding that Amazon is the world’s top e-retailer. Before the dot. com downturn in the spring of 2000, the word â€Å"Internet† keyed into what seemed pervasive optimism for a new century. It meant youth, new possibilities and an opportunity to break with traditional business and create new rules. However, in 2000 things drastically changed as many e-commerce start-ups failed to return expected profits and went bankrupt. After this came valuable lessons across e-commerce, and evidence for incumbent retailers that factors such as having an established brand provide significant advantages in e-retail and play a part in customer loyalty and increased profit. Analysis of dot. com failures and comparison with traditional retailers in the same industry, for example eToys, which folded in 2000 and was subsequently bought by an established toy retailer, vs. Toys R Us, which successfully opened an e-retail channel through collaboration with Amazon, has revealed several advantages for the established retailer. Newcomers usually build their initial strategy on attracting new customers through aggressive marketing, brand-building and advertising, which logically lead to massive expenses and cash shortages. Amazon, however, has an existing customer base and can build on brand values that are already in place. Amazon’s marketing budgets allow the company to attempt new online projects or business lines, unlike many start-ups. Founder of Amazon. com, J. Bezos rejected the traditional model for retailing. Having known that the usage of Internet is increasing every year with gigantic steps, – some resources report about 2000% usage increase annually, – Bezos decided that his retailing model should be intrinsically connected to Internet. While opening new physical retail outlets can expand the geographical reach of a business and add convenience for consumers, retailing online not only carries these benefits, but also offers further returns that are more specific to online trading. Bezos put books as Amazon’s core product, because they almost ideally correspond for the model of e-retailing. Low unit price, low risk cost, easy to pack and ship, and finally in a high and growing demand, books have become a perfect solution for Amazon’s model. Now books are by far the largest e-retailing category in the US. Research carried out by many companies illustrates that about 65 per cent of the purchases made by Web shoppers in the US consisted of books. For newly created company, the Internet had global reach and provided the opportunity to trade internationally. For Bezos, Amazon’s broad benefits included the ability to trade 24 hours a day and seven days a week, and operate with lower overheads in terms of staff and space, while more particular advantages included the ability to increase the number of customer â€Å"touch points† and build more personalized customer experiences, products and relationships. However, again for J. Bezos these e-retail advantages did not imply that an online presence is a recipe in itself for success; that kind of thinking was tried and failed with the dot. com boom and bust. Instead, if there was any recipe for successful integration, Bezos found it in variants of established business practices, such as an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the business, for example in relation to technology awareness, which is a good indicator of e-commerce success. Amazon’s mission and strategy is quite simply â€Å"to offer Earth’s Biggest Selection and to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they may want to buy online and [we] endeavor to offer our customers the lowest possible price. † The company accomplishes this by operating six global internet sites: www. amazon. com, www. amazon. ca, www. amazon. de, www. amazon. jp, www. amazon. co. fr and www. amazon. co. uk. Through their zShops, auctions, affiliate program, Merchants@ and Amazon Marketplace programs, Amazon, and their sellers and partners, offer new and used collectibles and products in categories such as apparel and accessories, DVDs, electronics, computers, books, music, videos, cell phones, tools and hardware, the list is almost endless. In order to maintain quality, the company packages and ships all of its merchandise. They also continue to negotiate volume deals with suppliers to meet their goal of lowering prices. Additionally, Amazon has formed partnerships and alliances with publishers, other on-line retailers, technology providers, either handling their web site operations or linking them to its virtual portal. As part of their diversification strategy, Amazon recently acquired Internet Movie Database www. imdb. com (IMDb), which is an authoritative source of information on movie and entertainment (Dennis et al, 2004). This acquisition is one of many Amazon is making expand its product and service offerings. The company is also preparing to sell internet domain names and already has received the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) approval. You read "Wall Mart of the Internet" in category "Papers" In order to improve customer service the company is investing in operational facilities, like its multi-lingual customer service support center in the Netherlands, to meet its rapid growth, increase selection and meet future operational needs while building efficiencies. This strategy helps Amazon increase its low profit margin, decrease its operational cost, increase customer response and order processing services and pass that savings on to the customer. Amazon strives to provide customers with the best possible online shopping experience by leveraging their powerful and innovative technologies. Part of the company’s competitiveness lies in their proprietary technology, which is licensed to companies like Target to run their e-commerce site. Its patented portal technology allows the customer to customize their on-line experience with personalized home page, product recommendations, email notifications on orders and new products, the ability to post reviews, 1-click ordering, search functions, up selling, and secure shopping cart functions, to name a few. Furthermore, they use technology to drive customer relationships. As an example, the company uses pop up daughter windows to quiz customers about Amazon. These pop up windows survey the customer about Amazon related facts and in return the customer can get up to . 25 cents a day put in their account for answering questions. Building on this use of technology the company recently received patent approval and plans to add a chat function to enhance the customer experience and help consumers find products through each other. Through its Web Services development and affiliate program it encourages web site owners and developers to create applications capable of interacting with Amazon’s catalog, search engine, shopping cart and merchandising tools. In an effort to remain competitive and preempt new technology Amazon has an ongoing program to develop, update and add software and hardware including partnerships like it’s recently inked deal with Google. com. This will allow them to avoid service disruptions; slow response times, poor levels of customer service, and delays in information delivery. Amazon uses its proprietary technology to transform the online purchasing experience into the easiest and most enjoyable shopping experience online. The site communicates to the customer a visual feel of being in a one stop shop where they can find and purchase virtually anything they want. The site loads quickly, is easily navigated, allows the customer to instantly see an array of products, and provides a host of other customer driven enhancements designed to drive customer satisfaction. Amazon’s site conveys to the customers they can have it their way, all day. And by placing its image on everything it touches Amazon continually reinforces its brand, making it one of the most recognized customer-centric brands in the world. For the first time in year 2000, Amazon management has set its focus on making profit. Again, it is an indication of nothing but smart, opportunistic management that utilized its strength to grow. It is very clear that Amazon management team is very focused. In order to meets its future targets, Amazon has implemented a restructuring plan. It will allow Amazon to reduce operating costs, reduce employee staff, and strengthen some of its fulfillment and customer service operations. According to the quarterly report released by amazon. com for quarter ended September 30, 2004 â€Å"There has been a steep decline in operating costs† (Amazon, Quarterly results, 2004). This has improved the performance of the company. Since its beginning, Amazon has adopted various e-Business model to increase its customer base and recently set its focus on making profit. Given below are the strategies adopted by Amazon. Amazon has a track recording of first gaining expertise in the market and then scaling into other areas. For example, Amazon started with a web-based bookstore model and after gaining expertise in various operations expanded to other segments and geographies. Another example is, after capturing the US market; it expanded its business to Europe, namely the U. K, France and Germany and then to Japan. One advantage of this approach is that the incremental costs to expand the business, whether to multiple product line or geographically are small. This strategy of perfecting before scaling helps in long-term survival and growth of the company. Since its beginning, Amazon has always kept focus on the needs of its customer and never lost sight of it. This gives Amazon a strong foothold of the internet retail business. Playing on this customer strength, Amazon has struck deals with industry leaders retailers Toysrus. com, Borders, Drugstore. com, and Target to help them draw customers to their Web sites, thereby giving birth to its services segment. Amazon is playing on its strength here and in the process creating a place for itself as a provider of e-tail services. Under Amazon’s cooperative model, the partners do not compete with each other and try to lessen each other risks. This cooperation represents a symbiotic relationship, where the two partners do what they do best while depending on each other to eliminate respective weaknesses. On August 10 2000, Amazon and Toyrus announced a strategic alliance. According to the press release by Amazon â€Å"The two companies have entered into a strategic alliance under which each company will assume responsibility for specific aspects of the toy and video games and baby products stores. Toysrus. com, in collaboration with its majority shareholder, Toys â€Å"R† Us, Inc. , will identify, buy and manage inventory; Amazon. com will handle site development, order fulfillment, and customer service, housing both Toysrus. com’s and its own inventory in Amazon. com’s U. S. distribution centers† (Dennis et al. , 2004:118). This alliance helped Amazon in eliminating its inventory risk, as it does not have to purchase or store any toys until the customer have ordered and paid for the goods. Under Amazon’s coopetitive model the two parties act as provider and customer. Both the parties compete with each other but one party tries to lessen other risks and in return gets the share of others business. On Apr 11, 2001 Amazon and Border announced strategic alliance. According to the press release by Amazon on Apr 11, 2001, â€Å"Amazon. com will be the seller of record, providing inventory, fulfillment, site content and customer service for the co-branded site. The new site will continue to offer content unique to Borders. com, including store location information and in-store event calendars† (Prior, 20001:6). In this case Amazon will continue to sell books on its own, but will also provide services to Border. In return Amazon will get a share of every sale by Border. According to an article on Informit. com â€Å"The Click and Brick model allows an existing offline business to profit from partnering with an emerging online presence†. [5] In this regard, Amazon has struck a deal with electronic retailer Circuit city. This will give the customer, the advantages of picking up their purchases from hundreds of stores rather then paying for shipment charges. Amazon will receive a share of the revenues for all Circuit City electronics goods sold through Amazon. Amazon will be responsible for processing the transaction while Circuit City will be responsible for order fulfillment and product-related customer service. In all these cases, Amazon is extending its channel expertise in Web retailing to â€Å"e-nable† other retailers. With a full year’s experienced retailers under its belt, Amazon is set to scale the service model. The Borders and Circuit City deals are important steps in that direction. The coopetitive model is converting Amazon into a â€Å"product-less platform provider†, directly impacting its bottom line, with no inventory costs. The business model adopted by Amazon has given it a boost in its online business. By making strategic alliances with the industry leader and making the life of customer has made Amazon a profit making company. According to 2004, financial results Amazons’ â€Å"Operating cash flow was $567 million for 2004, compared with $392 million for 2003. Free cash flow grew 38% to $477 million for 2004, compared with $346 million for 2003. Common shares outstanding plus shares underlying stock-based awards outstanding totaled 434 million at December 31, 2004, compared with 433 million a year ago. Net sales were $2. 54 billion in the fourth quarter, compared with $1. 95 billion in fourth quarter 2003, an increase of 31%. Net sales, excluding the $85 million benefit from changes in foreign exchange rates, grew 26% compared with fourth quarter 2003† (Amazon, 2005). Amazon business model has steadily evolved and over the years the large retailers have realized the importance of Business-to-consumer e-commerce. In contemporary context, along with other e-commerce companies Amazon experiences several problems. Financial and marketing analytics indicate that due to increased online competition, Amazon is gradually loosing its market share. Experts and investors indicate that Amazon’s technology and content costs soared 59% in the quarter, while the company keeps spending heavily on marketing campaigns, free-shipping promotions and other marketing activities to attract customers to shop regularly on its site. It is not surprising that Amazon is spending estimated 60 percent of their revenue on numerous marketing activities and building an appropriate brand image. Amazon’s brand allows company to be known, distinct, and credible in the minds of existent and potential customers, consumers, and stakeholders. Amazon’s brand facilitate the building of relationships with existing and potential customers, consumers, and stakeholders. In addition, company’s brand communicates the benefits offered to buyers and stakeholders that embody the value system of the company. Due to increased online competition, the brand image strategy utilized by Amazon is justified because it helps to retain existing customers and to attract new ones, gradually making them returning. For every business, particularly online e-retailing, good customers’ returning rate is an indication of a healthy business. That’s why Amazon should pursue this aggressive marketing and branding strategy to keep its customers. Many analysts discuss merger opportunities for Amazon. The merger will help Amazon. com expand the market share in E-commerce and create a new passageway. For instance, Amazon. com can merge with Wal-Mart, which has $26 billion market value and only $756 million debt. Now Wal-Mart is interested in E-commerce and online shopping. If Amazon. com merges with Wal-Mart, they will become the largest retail company in E-commerce. Amazon. com will also increase its market share. In addition, after the merger, Amazon. com can gain more marketing resources from Wal-Mart to create a new sales passageway. For instance, customers can purchase the products from Amazon. com on the Internet and pick the items, or return them at Wal-Mart. It will provide additional choose for customers. The merger may help Amazon to create new customers and products. Bertelsmann has $14 billion market value and the company’s strategy now is focusing on music retailing and book sales. Their business is related to Amazon’s business. The CEO of Bertelsmann is also trying to open their business in American market (Brynjolfsson Urban, 2001). If Amazon. com merges with this company, it will gain the new customers from Bertelsmann. Furthermore, integrating the products from Bertelsmann, Amazon. com can create new products on their website. Finally, a merger can improve and cover the financial loss of Amazon such as net sales loss, long-dept and cash loss. For instance, if Amazon merges with General Growth Properties, which has 136 malls in 37 states and owns $2. 8 billion market value, Amazon. com can still keep the power of operation and exercise the new marketing strategies (Brynjolfsson Urban, 2001). Moreover, Amazon. com can gain the financial support from this company to cover its long-debt $2 billion. In addition, the merger will help Amazon. com increase the financial resources such as the amount of cash flow, and also decrease the cost and expense of the company. Another future prospect is to invent a new E-business strategy. E-commerce is one way that people can trade on the Internet. This trading system is very important, but it is not the only thing that the e-commerce enterprises should focus on. Amazon. com is a giant in E-commerce and the company uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to trade, but Amazon cannot make profits even though the company has very strong technological support. Some specialists point out that communication, resources allocation, and project management guarantees success in E-commerce. Effective communication, which can improve business performance, is one of the objectives that Amazon. com should fulfill. Effective communication includes two aspects: internal and external. First of all, internal communication emphasizes negotiation. Necessary and correct information must be communicated precisely between the employees or the departments. Secondly, external communication emphasizes on empowerment and good timing. For instance, Customer Services is a department that helps customers to solve problems. They have to communicate with the customers and understand what the customers want and need, and then report to the departments or the board. If the customer service department has the power to react immediately from the problems of customers and has good communication and relationship with the customers, it will create more business opportunities for Amazon. com. The second key that helps industry to succeed in E-commerce is resources allocation. There are various resources in the enterprises such as human resources and customer resources. First of all, concerning human resources, Amazon. com should understand employees’ particularities and arrange them in appropriate positions. If the employees are set in the right positions, the company should become more efficient. Secondly, in regard to customer resources, Amazon should collect information, such as suggestion, complaint or demand from the customers and then try to improve their products or services to provide better services to the customers. If the services satisfy the customers, Amazon will create more and more opportunities and new customers in the near future. For example, new outsourcing strategies should be used to collect focus group to survey customers’ opinions. The third key that may become helpful for Amazon is project management. A successful E-commerce enterprise should focus on project management. Project management emphasizes teamwork (Epstein, 2004). There are many teams in the company and each team has its different project and goal. Each team also has its power to make the decision. The responsibility of the team is to achieve the product. The responsibility of the enterprise is to manage the teams and make sure that the projects can be finished effectively. Distributing the limited resources to different teams and projects is the great challenge to the project management. The best way to overcome this challenge is to emphasize effective communication and negotiation Amazon. com is now considered as the world’s largest e-retailer of books, CDs and DVDs. The Amazon’s web portal is user-friendly, enabling e-Shoppers to find books quickly by title, author or subject. Users can find their title in seconds from a few keywords. Synopses and contents lists are provided, along with a list of other relevant books. Amazon keeps a record of customers’ preferences and advises when new books likely to be of interest are published. During many years, Amazon is renowned for customer service, security and fast delivery. However, in current business context, the company is loosing market share, though is still well-recognized leader in online industry. The company keeps heavily investing in its brand through aggressive online and offline marking, building appropriate brand awareness among its current and potential clients. References Amazon, Inc. (2004). Quarterly results, Available at http://media. corporate-ir. net/media_files/irol/97/97664/reports/91338ACL. pdf Amazon, Inc. (2005). Press release Q4 Financial Results, Available at http://media. corporate-ir. net/media_files/irol/97/97664/news/Release_Q4_04. pdf Retrieved June 5, 2006 Dennis C. , Fenech T. , Merrilees B. (2004). E-Retailing, Routledge, London Brynjolfsson E. and Urban G. (2001). Strategies for E-Business Success, Jossey-Bass Epstein M. (2004). Implementing E-Commerce Strategies: A Guide to Corporate Success after the Dot. Com Bust, Praeger Prior, M. (2001). â€Å"Amazon to Operate Borders. com. † DSN Retailing Today, May 1, 40(9): 6. How to cite Wall Mart of the Internet, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Art And Poetry Lil Wayne Essay Example For Students

Art And Poetry Lil Wayne Essay Recently I attended a Lil Wayne concert and his music and performance captured my attention and gave me a greater appreciation for poetry. At the concert I noticed an overwhelming amount of marks on his body that did not seem to be cuts or bruises. Once I took a closer look I noticed his body was like a canvas with tons of artistic tattoos that expressed his emotions and struggles almost as well as his lyrics. The words are written to look like he carved it with a razor blade; they are in a shade of red. Additionally, he has two teardrops under his eye. The teardrops represent the people he has lost. They also represent the struggle he has endured through out his life. On the side of Lil Waynes face there is a fleur-de-lis. Lil Wayne is from New Orleans, Louisiana. His neighbor hood was one of the most affected areas during Hurricane Katrina. After the hurricane the city of New Orleans adopted the fleur-de-lis as a symbol to remember the storm. This tattoo shows that despite his gangster image he is still religious. Lil Waynes tattoos represent a lot of what he has been through and what he believes in but his lyrics remind me of a more modern version of poetry. With each song it creates a story of an event that took place that made him who he is today. In the song I Miss My Dawgs he speaks about memories he has with his friends that he grew up with and that he will always he there for them no matter what. He expresses this when he states, If ya ever died I swear to God I got yo kids homie, Whats mine is their I gotta give homie. The lyrics express how caring, giving and guinne he is. While at this concert the last thing I expected to hear from this man, that is sagging his jean shorts with no shirt on and covered in tattoos from the tip on his forehead as far as I can see on his legs, was lyrics about how much he cares about people and that even though they are writing hate songs to him he still has respect for them and misses them. When Lil Wayne was rapping most of his lyrics came off as if there was not a meaning behind his lyrics but after listening more closely I could hear his pain, anger, struggle, as well as his determination to make it to the top. His determination is clear in his lyrics from Only Way when he says It aint coming to me so I gotta go get it. He also shows his willpower in his song The Sky is The Limit he says how he will do anything to become successful, And if you look high, you see that im gonna be in it, The sky is the limit. Lil Waynes lyrics have a lot of heart in them but tend to come off as cocky. Each song he did seemed so different then when I heard it on the radio because I could see his passion for what he was saying. Looking around me I saw I was surrounded by fans singing the songs as if they were their own. Lil Wayne writes music that doesnt only sell but talks about real problems. I went into the Lil Wayne concert thinking I was going to listen to a bunch of catchy songs to dance to and left there with a completely different view on him as an artist and his lyrics. Poetry is a form of art that uses words to express feelings or tell a story. Poetry always seemed boring and pointless to me. I never appreciated poetry because I was never able to relate to the poems I read. I also think I did not appreciate poetry because I had never heard a poet read his poem. .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 , .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .postImageUrl , .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 , .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85:hover , .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85:visited , .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85:active { border:0!important; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85:active , .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85 .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2a135485bd5f2b7bd18f94481771cd85:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Changing Nature of Music Industry EssayWhen I read someone elses poem it tends to take away from the emotions the poet was trying to convey. I am never able to figure out who has written the poem, where the poet meant for the poem to take place, what tone of voice it was suppose to be read in, so I never understand what I am reading. Being able to see Lil Wayne in concert I can now see the difference between words, and words with meaning. When I hear the tone of his voice while he rapped his lyrics it was no longer just words on a piece of paper, he brought those words to life. While he was performing it was quite clear what emotions he was trying to provoke from the l istener. Additionally, when the listener, or reader, is able to relate to the artist their work gains meaning. To see how much what he was saying means to him and he is able to convey his emotions to the listener. Facial expressions also help to understand poetry more than I thought. I also had a different view of Lil Waynes lyrics because of his appearance. Lil Waynes tattoos spoke almost as loudly as his lyrics. Just by looking at him people are able to determine that he is a man that has been through a lot of struggles and his belief in God. I am now able to see the art in poetry. Lil Wayne is truly a modern day poet.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Euthanasia Essay Research Paper Several people in free essay sample

Euthanasia Essay, Research Paper Several people in society are in favor of mercy killing largely because they feel that as a democratic state, we as free persons, have the right to make up ones mind for ourselves whether or non to stop our lives. The stronger and more widely held sentiment of society are against Euthanasia chiefly because society feels that it is Gods # 8217 ; undertaking to make up ones mind when one of his creative activities clip has come, and we as human existences are in no place to act as God and stop person # 8217 ; s life. When worlds take it upon themselves to shorten their lives or to hold others to make it for them by retreating vital setup, they play Gods. They usurp the Godhead map, and interfere with the Godhead program. Euthanasia is the pattern of painlessly seting to decease individuals who have incurable, painful, or straitening diseases or disablements. We will write a custom essay sample on Euthanasia Essay Research Paper Several people in or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It comes from the Greek Eu, # 8220 ; good # 8221 ; and Thanatoss, # 8220 ; decease # 8221 ; for good decease, and is normally called clemency killing. Voluntary mercy killing may happen when incurably ill individuals inquire their doctor, friend or comparative, to set them to decease. The patients or their relations may inquire a physician to keep back intervention and allow them decease. Many critics of the medical profession contend that excessively frequently physicians play God on operating tabular arraies and in recovery suites. They argue that no physician should be allowed to make up ones mind who lives and who dies. The issue of mercy killing is holding a enormous impact on medical specialty in Canada today. It was merely in the 19th century that the word came to be used in the sense of rushing up the procedure of deceasing and the devastation of alleged useless lives. Today it is defined as the deliberate stoping of life of a individual enduring from an incurable diseas e. A differentiation is made between positive, or active, and negative, or inactive, mercy killing. Positive mercy killing is the calculated stoping of life, an action taken to do decease in a individual. Negative mercy killing is defined as the withholding of life preserving processs and interventions that would protract the life of one who is incurably and terminally sick and could non last without them. The principal of mercy killing itself forces physicians to go against historically recognized codifications of medical moralss and puts them in a place to play God. The determination of an person to bespeak mercy killing are seldom free of pick they are pressured into the determination by society # 8217 ; s position of them as unproductive and an incommodiousness. If a parliament would legalise mercy killing it would finally take to nonvoluntary mercy killing go forthing the aged, handicapped and minorities at hazard of one twenty-four hours being deemed as valueless and set to d ecease. Euthanasia is unneeded because with advanced engineering and medical discoveries terminally sick patients can have interventions that can extinguish virtually all hurting and uncomfortableness. It is for these grounds that the Canadian Parliament must non legalise mercy killing to protect the rights of terminally sick patients and guarantee that we do non germinate into a corrupt society. Traditional medical ethical codifications have neer sanctioned mercy killing, even on petition for compassionate motivations. The Hippocratic Oath states # 8216 ; I will give no lifelessly medical specialty to anyone if asked, nor suggest such council. . . # 8216 ; The International Code of Medical Ethics as originally adopted by the World Medical Association in 1949, in response to the Nazi holocaust, declares # 8216 ; a physician must ever bear in head the duty of continuing human life from the clip of construct until decease # 8217 ; . In its 1992 Statement of Marbella, the World Med ical Association confirmed that assisted suicide, like mercy killing, is unethical and must be condemned by the medical profession. When a physician deliberately and intentionally enables an person to stop his life, the physician acts unethically. This causes the patient to be unsure of his or hers doctor # 8217 ; s motivations. lt ;< p>A patient with a terminal illness is vulnerable. He lacks the knowledge and skills to alleviate his own symptoms, and may be suffering from fear about the future and anxiety about the effect his illness is having on others. It is very difficult for him to be entirely objective about his own situation. Those who regularly manage terminally ill patients recognise that they often suffer from depression or a false sense of worthlessness that may affect their judgment. Their decision-making may equally be affected by confusion, paranoia or troublesome symptoms that could be relieved with appropriate treatment. Patients who on admission say ‘let me die’ usually after effective symptom relief are appreciative that their request was not granted. Terminally ill patients also adapt to a level of disability that they would not have previously anticipated they could live with. They come to value what little quality of life they have left. Many elderly people already feel a financi al burden to their family and society. They may feel great pressure to request euthanasia ‘freely and voluntarily’. These patients need to hear that they are valued and loved as they are. They need to know that we are committed first and foremost to their well-being, even if this does involve spending more time and money. The way we treat the weakest and most vulnerable people tells people about that we are a moral and civilized society that values all forms of life. When voluntary euthanasia has been previously accepted and legalised, it has led inevitably to involuntary euthanasia, regardless of the intentions of the legislators. According to the Remmelink Report, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Justice, there were more than 3,000 deaths from euthanasia in the Netherlands in 1990. More than 1,000 of these were not voluntary. Holland is quickly changing the public conscience is changing quickly to accept such action as acceptable. The Royal Dutch Medical Associat ion (KNMG) and the Dutch Commission for the acceptability of life terminating Action have recommended that the active termination of the lives of patients suffering from dementia is morally acceptable under certain conditions. Two earlier reports of the commission confirmed the acceptability of similar action for severely disabled infants and comatose patients. History has shown clearly that once voluntary euthanasia is legal, involuntary euthanasia inevitably follows. It is widely believed that there are only two options open to patients with terminal illness: either they die slowly in unrelieved suffering or they receive euthanasia. In fact, now there is another option. Continuous research in palliative medicine has in recent years shown that virtually all unpleasant symptoms experienced in the process of terminal illness can be either relieved or substantially alleviated by techniques already available. The law is a very powerful educator of the public conscience. When a practice becomes legal, accepted and widely practised in society, people cease to have strong feelings about it and euthanasia that is the act of killing hopelessly sick or injured individuals must not become a common practice. We need to recognise that requests for voluntary euthanasia are extremely rare in situations where the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of terminally ill patients are properly met. As the symptoms that prompt the request for euthanasia can be almost always managed with therapies currently available, our highest priority must be to ensure that top quality terminal care is readily available. We need to show compassion and love toward terminally ill patients so that they may live their lives to their full potential. Its for these reasons that the Canadian parliament must not legalize euthanasia to protect the rights of terminally ill patients and to ensure that we do not evolve into a corrupt society.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Blithe Spirit essays

Blithe Spirit essays Frankly, I was amazed by the set of Blithe Spirit. I am not sure whether it was because I had a hand in building it and all of the skills I acquired in doing so or just the fact that it was a great set. Either way I was extremely impressed. Seeing the set from the front, back, and even above gave me a wider scope of how it worked and how it was put together. I paid special attention to two main aspects of the set; the making and the small intricacies of it. Everything was accounted for when it came to masking. Places to dress privately in the wings, carpet on the stairs and tape on the doors, hard and soft tormentors and the traveling blacks were all used together to mask both unwanted sound and light. As far as the small stuff, I was amazed by how profoundly different the set looked from different angles and distances. From the audience the stage looked laden with tile or hardwood floors and the walls looked rich with texture and depth. From the stage though, the "wood" floors looked obviously fake and so did the tile, the walls were rather flat and the small trinkets looked cheap. What an art of deception. The one thing that I wanted to do from the very start of the run of Blithe Spirit was to see the last scene in which Ruth and Elvira begin tearing up the house. I didnt really get a chance to see the set played upon or the costumes while the actors were on stage but I was not as curious about those things as I was about the last scene, so, I went to the sound booth. When the first shoe dropped, actually a curtain rod, the audience gasped. I could tell that they were not sure whether or not it was supposed to happen. In that one moment, the set was more like an actor than Ive ever seen. It took on a characteristic and made the audience doubt themselves. I had no idea how much of an impact that small scene would have but soon found that ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Stylistic analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stylistic analysis - Essay Example Non-academic readers can be any person with reading skills. Academic readers can also read non-academic writings. Readers expect different things from academic and non-academic writings, but depending on the writing, can read both genres. The second difference between academic and non-academic writing is structure. Academic writings are structured according to whichever academic style the writer applies. APA is used for medical, psychology, and other related fields, which include a strict guideline for borders, page numbers, and referencing. MLA is used for literature related academic papers. Finally, Harvard referencing is used in England and Australia. Strict structure is a must for academic writing. Non-fiction writing is loosely structured, depending upon the writing. For example, fiction novels can switch between past, present, and future without clear structure. The only real structure that non-academic writers use is the paragraph, sentences, and punctuation. This structure does not even have to be grammatically correct for non-academic writing. The difference between the two types of writings is black and white. Academic writings have a distinct style. The language must be formal, without the use of you, I, or any first person references, unless quoting a source. The academic style is intellectual, structured, and formal. Referencing and in-text citation is part of a good academic papers style. Non-academic writings are not formal. Spelling mistakes, jargon, and first person can be used. Referencing is not used in non-academic writings. The style of a non-academic paper can range from a kindergarten students first sentences to J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter. The style can be flexible, whereas in academic writing is inflexible. Readership, structure, and style are different in academic and non-academic writing. These three things define both writings as academic or

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Direct Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Direct Analysis - Coursework Example 3. Pertaining the research method, the authors use a primary and a secondary review of literature. In the primary literature review, the authors begin by examining 18 bibliographic search training articles, where they find that search training is effective for residents and medical students and that the effects of training were robust with time (Goodman, Gary, & Wood, 2014, p. 336). However, due to lack of actionable recommendations from the primary review, the authors embark on a secondary review where they examine 2 articles and a pilot study they conducted. The second review reveals the types of training that improve bibliographic search skills hence recommendations for bibliographic search training (Goodman, Gary, & Wood, 2014, p. 342). The method is effective in producing data to answer the research question identified in question 1. The primary review of literature shows that the training is valid though with a room for improvement, while the second review shows the specific me asures by which the training could be improved. Macedo-Rouet, M., Rouet, J. F., Ros, C., & Vibert, N. (2012}. How do scientists select articles in the PubMed database? An empirical study of criteria and strategies. European Review of Applied Psychology, 62, 63-72. 5. The three thorough search strings that I would use to search the relationship between telework success and an organizations leadership style are: telework success AND organization’s leadership; (telework AND success) AND (organization AND leadership); and (telework OR communication) AND (success OR achievement) AND (organization OR company OR business) AND (leadership OR management). 6. The symbol represents the mean of a number of values. In this instance, it is used to represent the mean of the ages of the participants. The implication is that members of one participant group had about 11.8 years’ extensive experience performing general bibliographic search engines on

Monday, November 18, 2019

ASSIGNMENT 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ASSIGNMENT 1 - Essay Example Later in the 60s and 70s overhead projectors, cameras, and most importantly, television began entering classrooms. Simultaneously, with advent of technology in each era, research was being carried to gauge its feasibility. Clark, on the basis of these studies, concludes that media does not affect learning under any conditions but it is the content that is crucial. Using the analogy of a truck, Clark projected media as a medium to transfer instruction. ‘Media attributes’, ‘symbol systems’ popularly known as animations only help in packaging the learning process (Clark, 1983). The reason why the statement was considered revolutionary is that Clark’s statement changed the way instructional media research was carried out. Instructional media research later came to be perceived as a means and not as the end of educational technology. (Jones, 1999) Though Clark does make his point when he says media is just a medium but it cannot be denied that technology has a major impact on learning. For example, a power point presentation has better recall value and helps student retain information well. Besides, students are much more tech-savvy and are more interested in various interactive forms of technology (Kimble, 1999). This highlights the need for educational technology, defined through its four perspectives: media, audio-visual, computer systems, instructional systems and design and through vocational training. Forms of media like videos, projectors and computer software play an important role in improving learning but also in understanding the application of technology. However, there has to be proper instructional system, design in place to ensure that the curricular objectives are achieved. On the other it is important for teachers to undergo vocational training to keep abreast with new technology and also understand the appli cations before they use it in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Autism Intervention Therapies

Autism Intervention Therapies Introduction Autism is a neural development disorder exemplified by weakened social communication and interaction, and by restricted and repetitive limited behavior (Ardnt, 2005). These signs all initiate to ensue prior to a child grows to be three years old. Autism influence and affects processing of information in the brain by varying how nerve cells and their synapses organize and connect (Levitt, 2005). Autism is an invisible silent, outbreak that is whipping children and their prospects from the world whilst their mothers observe in, feebly, fear even as there is no means to do fight, since it evades all way of thinking (Rink, 2010). Signs of autism comprise extremely poor development of language, unusual or repetitive behaviors and a lessening interest in other individuals. There are considerable concerns classically, in relation to the children’s, communication, social interaction or behavior prior to a diagnosis of autism is done. Autism is an completely diverse world, one which ev erybody cannot understand appropriately It is constituent of several people’s regular life and it is extremely significant to teach not simply such persons so that they can afford better support for their loved one however as well to teach the community as a whole for a better acceptance and understanding., For autism regrettably there is no total cure like a further disease for instance diabetes, however medical advancements made custom help manage the disease consecutively for the autistic person to function more successfully and competently in society and be accepted as a human being. The autism biological causes have been debate for more than half a century and been a foundation of inquisition. The extensive range of cognitive and social deficits that are identified as autism spectrum disorders[ASD] are habitually moderately disabling, consequently there is animperative need to discover treatments. Scientists and a variety of experts at the present have started to determine that not all disorders of autism-related are similar. They materialize to have diverse inferences for brain function and, accordingly, treatment. Autism does not have a proven treatment and does avert children in definite realms of life however it is treatable. When it is early on diagnosis and treated, it will let some kind of normalcy for the children and parents. Autism has no proven cure and do restricts children in definite realms of life however it is treatable. When timely early on treatment, this will let some sort of normalcy for the kids and their parents. Studies and lately develope d methods of imaging have helped to demonstrate several of the bigger brain areas mixed up with autism. The areas comprise the, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and temporal lobe—particularly the amygdala (Kibiuk, 1998). The disorder might approach from the malfunction of diverse parts of the brain that work together. Autistics are described as not having compassion in a comparable way that a predator animal does have emotions in relation to its prey. Various types of interventions are used to treat ASD. Autism interventions endeavor to reduce the abnormal behaviors and deficits connected with autism and further ASD, and to add to the excellence of life and functional autonomy of individuals with autistic, in particular children. Treatment is classically accommodated to the needs of child. Following are the well-known forms of interventions used for its treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy There is a sturdy support base for the utilization of interventions of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety and depression in ASD populations. There is a diversity of approaches of CBT, nevertheless the majority share a number of normal elements. The most important objectives of conventional CBT are to recognize and defy catastrophic cognitions, dysfunctional beliefs, and habitual thoughts in addition to change difficult behavior. The individual with a therapist’s help, is supported to defy his or her beliefs and mechanical thoughts in the course of a diversity of techniques. The individual through CBT, learns skills to change beliefs and thoughts, in addition to strategies of problem-solving to develop interaction with others in appropriate and effective ways, thus supporting self-regulation. Models of CBT for the treatment of anxiety attempt to generate a fresh coping pattern by means of behavioral techniques for instance exposure, modeling, and relaxation in addition to as cognitive techniques tackling cognitive deficiencies and distortions. These models of treatment usually highlight 4 vital constituents of therapy: evaluation, psycho education, restructuring of cognitive, and exposure. CBT by means of these four components has been revealed to be an empirically supported treatment for classically developing children with issues of anxiety. The mainly regularly used methods to treat anxiety in children are cognitive restructuring, relaxation, exposure, and modeling in that order. It is imperative to make certain that the young individual has the similar definition and understanding of words, and affective education can assist enhance their language of emotional expression.[ Wood, J. J., Drahota, A., Sze, K., Har, K., Chiu, A., Langer, D. A. (2009).] Several components of intervention can be inserted to CBT. A number of of the implications comprise; a) Increasing the utilization of visual aids. b) Associate emotions with concrete objects. c) A stress on dealing with strategies that do not need the employ of intangible language for example the employ of relaxation. d) Use of substitute modes of communication. e) Embedding the employ of additive interests into sessions of CBT. f) Increasing the spotlight on teaching communal skills.[ Wood, J. J., Drahota, A., Sze, K., Har, K., Chiu, A., Langer, D. A. (2009).] There has been as well the concept of an emotional toolbox and centered on operational with the young children in recognizing diverse tools to ‘fix’ problems that take place as a effect of negative emotions together with anxiety, anger, and sadness. The ‘tools’ are additional divided into those that fruitfully reduce or release energy and those that develop thinking. The therapist usually works collectively with the young children to depict a range of tools and actions which support constructive emotions fix. Autistic children do recognize how to utter words, however require a few help in what and when to say it. Speech therapy can as well help autistic children on how to be taught to continue a conversation while comprehending the significance of the words being used. Incorporated in the standard bill which was recommended by Autism Speaks, which has been filed, passed or has been at present under development in all except six states, is a legislation that includes reporting for the deliverance of ABA services. Social skills therapy will as well assist children to be taught to deal with autism and direct normal lives. The mainly prominent and obvious complication with autism children is their incapability to commune and interact clearly and efficiently with others. As they have extremely little information and knowledge of what precisely is going on in a social situation, they are limited to what they can say and do (Ryder, 2010). Cognitive restructuring intends to facilitate the young children to correct dysfunctional beliefs and distorted conceptualizations. It entails challenging the existing thinking with logical facts and guarantying and control cognitive rationalization of their emotions. Young children with ASD can construct false supposition of their intentions and circumstances of others owing to mind abilities impaired or delayed theory. These young children as well are inclined to construct accurate interpretations and are less able to seek out alternative responses or explanations. Psychopharmacology Pharmacologic interventions might be deemed for maladaptive behaviors, for instance self-injury, aggression, repetitive behaviors (e.g., compulsions, obsessions, perseveration, stereotypies), , mood lability, sleep disturbance, irritability, hyperactivity, anxiety, inattention, destructive behavior, or additional troublesome behaviors. After medical treatable causes and adjustable factors of environmental have been lined out, a therapeutic examination of medication might be considered if the symptoms of behavioral source considerable harm in functioning. In a number of cases, the analysis of a psychiatric disorder can be completed, and the patient can be cured with the related medications utilized in treating these situations in classically adolescents and developing children.[ à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Erickson CA, Posey DJ, Stigler KA, McDougle CJ.] Atypical antipsychotic agents, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), alpha2 agonists and stimulants, are the mainly usually set psychotropic medications in kids with ASDs. Placebo-controlled Double-blind, trials have revealed that the fluvoxamine (Luvox; no longer accessible in the United States) and SSRIs fluoxetine (Prozac) are efficient in the treatment of maladaptive and additional repetitive behaviors in patients with ASDs. Trials of Open-label of these and additional SSRIs have revealed enhancement in symptoms of target, as well as irritability, repetitive behaviors, tantrums, depressive symptoms, aggression, anxiety, difficulty with social interaction, transitions, and language. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Risperidone (Risperdal) is the primary medicine for the treatment of indication of irritability (as well as deliberate self-injury, aggressive behavior, and temper tantrums) in adolescents and children with ASDs. Potential unfavorable effects comprise insulin resistance, extreme appetite and weight gain, hyperprolactinemia, dyslipidemia, extrapyramidal symptoms, hematologic abnormalities neuroleptic malignant syndrome, tardive dyskinesia, QTc prolongation, urinary retention, dry mouth, seizures, constipation, and sedation. Recent placebo-controlled double-blind, methylphenidate (Ritalin)trials have revealed improvement in impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention in kids with ASDs. Methylphenidate is effectual in a number of children with ASDs, however the rate of response is lesser than that in children with disorder of isolated attention-deficit/hyperactivity, and unfavorable effects are more general. It is ambiguous whether the effects can be generalized to additional stimulants. Adverse Potential effects comprise inhibition of growth, appetite reduction, delayed sleep onset, exacerbation of tics, jitteriness, increased blood pressure, abdominal discomfort, increased anxiety, increased heart rate, irritability, and repetitive behaviors. Placebo-controlled two small double-blind, trials have revealed modest advantages of clonidine (Catapres) in reducing symptoms of hyperarousal (e.g., irritability. impulsivity, hyperactivity,and outbursts, repetitive behaviors) in kids with ASDs. A potential open-label trial and a retrospective review of record recommend that guanfacine (Tenex) is likewise efficient in several patients. Adverse Potential effects of these alpha2 agonists comprise sedation, constipation, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, and irritability. Pharmacotherapy persists to be a significant constituent of a comprehensive program of treatment for ASD. Evidence is collected supporting the utilization of antipsychotic second-generation medications and discerning reuptake serotonin inhibitors. Fresh studies propose that they are efficient and moderately well endured, not merely in the adult population however as well in children with this disorder. Additional approaches, for instance the use of anticonvulsants, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, and dietary enzymes, might as well be potentially helpful, however additional research on these compounds is required. Complementary and Alternative Medicine The employ of alternative and complementary medicine (CAM) is general in kids with ASDs. Children by the time obtain a formal evaluation of diagnostic for a alleged ASD, almost one third previously have endeavored a complementary or alternative therapy. It is significant that professionals of health care recognize how to appraise the facts used to sustain all treatments, as well as psychopharmacologic, CAM, and additional interventions. Ideally, the facts refuting or supporting a treatment must comprise studies of peer-reviewed with well-defined homogeneous correctly diagnosed, study populations;, double-blind, a randomized placebo-controlled design; and an sufficient sample size to sustain the arithmetic analysis presented. It must as well control for stunning factors and utilize validated appropriate, outcome measures. [Leskovec TJ, Rowles BM, ]When assessing the efficiency of studies, it is mainly significant to bear in mind confounding factors, for instance the effect of placebo, and the normal history of the disorder. CAM therapies utilized to treat ASDs have been classified as nonbiologic or biologic. Examples of biologic therapies comprise interventions of immunoregulatory (e.g., administration of antiviral agents or immunoglobulin, dietary restriction of food allergens,), therapies of detoxification (e.g., chelation), treatments of gastrointestinal (e.g., antifungal agents, â€Å"yeast-free diet,† digestive enzymes, probiotics, gluten/casein-free diet), and regimens of dietary supplement (e.g., vitamin A, vitamin B6 . vitamin B12, vitamin C, and magnesium, carnosine,folinic acid, folic acid, trimethylglycine and dimethylglycine, various minerals omega-3 fatty acids, inositol,). [William Shaw, Bernard Rimland]Examples of interventions of nonbiologic comprise auditory integration training, dolphin-assisted therapy,craniosacral manipulation, music therapy, behavioral optometry, and facilitated communication.[ Leskovec TJ, Rowles BM,] Since of methodologic flaws, lack of replication or insufficient numbers of patients, , a lot of CAM therapies have been insufficiently evaluated; consequently, recommendations of evidence-based for their utilization are not likely. The mainly current and mainly properly designed trials have revealed no considerable advantage of vitamin B6, dimethylglycine, and magnesium, or auditory integration training. Negative and Positive results have been depicted for small, flawed methodologically studies of intravenous immunoglobulin. A current placebo-controlled double-blind, trial divulged no statistically considerable difference on Checklist sub-scale scores of Aberrant Behavior amid small groupings of children with ASDs who were specified omega-3 fatty acids and individuals who were specified placebo. On the other hand, the investigators noted an inclination in the direction of dominance of omega-3 fatty acids above placebo for hyperactivity, which proposes that additional examination may be needed. Even though employ of the diet of gluten/casein-free for children with ASDs is accepted, there is little proof to sustain or disprove this intervention. Conclusion For autistics, its important and crucial to be included in, job training, education etc. and the system which provides those opportunities will have to change in a radical way for that to happen. For bringing change, people who are not much involved in the system must challenge the system rather than agree to the compromises which are advertised as incremental alterations, which make things better. Parents of such children are desperate. Aging caretakers similar to single mother knowing how complex it is to take care for an adult with autism, are habitually turn out to be prisoners in their individual homes, with extremely less or no relief in sight. They are acquainted with how simple it would be for any ordinary untrained children to be disturbed at the poor skills of communication and extremely strange behavior of their daughter or son, and how without difficulty abuse can occur. Children with autism don’t require wheelchairs, artificial legs, or a guide dog. They need help of others. Manyeven mostneed job coaches consecutively to be employed in incorporated work settings. There needs to be a program of accreditation which is knowledgeable and sensitive to, about the specific issues faced by the providers of autism-specific services to adults with autism—especially residential services. Statewide Positive Behavioral Support is part of an endeavor to additional evidently classify the merging of the judicial system and the school system. Psychosocial and Pharmacological treatment have been the majority general approaches to the anxiety treatment in children with ASD, however no solitary anxiety treatment has materialized to accomplish well established or almost certainly effective empirically sustained treatment position for children with an ASD. Substantiation for intervention of pharmacological is restricted. Also the medication effects simply materialize to last only if the medicine is used, with degeneration just the once administration is ceased. Children with ASDs Parents will reasonably follow interventions that they consider might assist their child, predominantly if the therapies are viewed as being dubious to have any undesirable effects. Regrettably, families are frequently depicted to pseudoscientific unsubstantiated, theories and associated practices of clinical that are, at preeminent unproductive and, at worst, contend with authenticated treatments or direct to emotional, physical, or financial harm. Professionals of Health care can assist parents and other caregivers differentiate validated empirically treatment approaches from ineffective or unproven treatments. References Erickson CA, Posey DJ, Stigler KA, McDougle CJ. Pharmacologic treatment of autism and related disorders. Pediatr Ann. 2007;36(9):575–85. Levitt, P. : The Clinical-Basic Interface in DefiningAutismand Developmental Disorders.164 (1): 107-116,2005 Leskovec TJ, Rowles BM, Findling RL. Pharmacological treatment options for autism spectrum disorders in children and adolescents. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2008;16(2):97–112. Moree, B. N., Davis III, T. E. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders: Modification trends. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4, 346–354. Ryder, J. (2010, July 31). Current Trends in Autism Treatment. Retrieved October 24, 2010, Wood, J. J., Drahota, A., Sze, K., Har, K., Chiu, A., Langer, D. A. (2009). Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders: A randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 224–234. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2008.01948.x William Shaw, Bernard Rimland, Biological treatments for autism and PDD, 3rd ed., W. Shaw, 2008

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Internet Does Not Have Everything Essays -- Argumentative Persuasi

The Internet Does Not Have Everything Everyone needs to know that the World Wide Web (a subset of the Internet; see Internet for a definition of "Internet") is a tool, not the be-all and end-all of research. Many students begin their research assignments with the "fact" from their teachers that they'll be able to find, from now on, everything they need on the Web. Not true. Students do need to be made aware that the Web is a great resource when you need some very current information--today's Dow Jones average, currency exchange rates, score in your favorite baseball team's game, news headlines, etc. Furthermore, through libraries there are increasing numbers of indexes that before were available on CD-ROM or in printed books, that are now accessed via the Web (only to authorized users); these are not "on" the Web per se. The term used to differentiate these proprietary and other directly inaccessible sources is the "invisible Web." The invisible Web is much larger than the visible Web. However, some students seem to think that they can find EVERYTHING on the Web. They can't. They probably never will in their lifetimes either. There is simply too much information out there to have it all transferred to an electronic--and widely accessible--format. Other issues that keep things from existing on the Web: Costs can be astronomical--and who is going to pay them? Scanning in images is expensive and time consuming (think of the millions of photographs in archives around the world), Copyright concerns play a major role in keeping things from being widely accessible; companies want to make a profit (there are hundreds of databases that can only be used by au... ...-and help them to identify more readily trustworthy sources. It is doing everyone in society a disfavor to lead citizens (whether young or old) to believe that the Web has every piece of information that one might need. In this increasingly technologically-dependent world, it is critical that the citizens in it are finding reliable information before they start inventing, improving, building, cleaning, renewing, destroying, exploring, etc. They need to be able to critically evaluate their options, and make sure that they aren't ignoring sources that happen not to be available on the Web. The exclusively techno-reliant are, in their own way, as unreliable a source for trustworthy or thorough information as the techno-phobes who won't use the Web at all. Using the best tool for the job or information need is the only way to be certain that you get the best results. The Internet Does Not Have Everything Essays -- Argumentative Persuasi The Internet Does Not Have Everything Everyone needs to know that the World Wide Web (a subset of the Internet; see Internet for a definition of "Internet") is a tool, not the be-all and end-all of research. Many students begin their research assignments with the "fact" from their teachers that they'll be able to find, from now on, everything they need on the Web. Not true. Students do need to be made aware that the Web is a great resource when you need some very current information--today's Dow Jones average, currency exchange rates, score in your favorite baseball team's game, news headlines, etc. Furthermore, through libraries there are increasing numbers of indexes that before were available on CD-ROM or in printed books, that are now accessed via the Web (only to authorized users); these are not "on" the Web per se. The term used to differentiate these proprietary and other directly inaccessible sources is the "invisible Web." The invisible Web is much larger than the visible Web. However, some students seem to think that they can find EVERYTHING on the Web. They can't. They probably never will in their lifetimes either. There is simply too much information out there to have it all transferred to an electronic--and widely accessible--format. Other issues that keep things from existing on the Web: Costs can be astronomical--and who is going to pay them? Scanning in images is expensive and time consuming (think of the millions of photographs in archives around the world), Copyright concerns play a major role in keeping things from being widely accessible; companies want to make a profit (there are hundreds of databases that can only be used by au... ...-and help them to identify more readily trustworthy sources. It is doing everyone in society a disfavor to lead citizens (whether young or old) to believe that the Web has every piece of information that one might need. In this increasingly technologically-dependent world, it is critical that the citizens in it are finding reliable information before they start inventing, improving, building, cleaning, renewing, destroying, exploring, etc. They need to be able to critically evaluate their options, and make sure that they aren't ignoring sources that happen not to be available on the Web. The exclusively techno-reliant are, in their own way, as unreliable a source for trustworthy or thorough information as the techno-phobes who won't use the Web at all. Using the best tool for the job or information need is the only way to be certain that you get the best results.